
'A perfect garden , no matter its size , should enclose nothing less than the entire universe'.
The west-facing living room offers a panoramic view over the lake to the island and the lush greenery.
The stone floors both inside and outside the glass box are flush. Underfloor heating eliminates the need for grilles or radiators , making it possible to dematerialize the transition to the outside.The room is often bathed in warm sunlight.
There are uplights at the clerestory level in both blue and white, and downlights to the worktop.The kitchen unit is cantilevered to enhance the floating effect. A feng shui aquarium is built into a panel above the worktop on the left side . An oven and a basin are at the opposite end.
Skywood by night.
Aerial view of the house, showing it's situation in ancient oak and beech woodland. The linear lake is to the west , the arrival courtyard to the east and the bedroom wing and secluded walled garden to the south.
The bedrooms each have a built in desk surface and overlook the walled garden . A perimeter of black basalt gravel borders the green lawn .THe magnolia tree was preserved in it's orioginal position and became central to the garden space.
Original magnolia tree in 'Shanakill ' now at the centre of a new walled gareden
Shadows from canopy on main terrace .
'The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building'.
The limestone floor extends 5.4 m beyond the glass line of the windows.In fact more limestone was laid outside than inside , increasing the sense of space.
The bedrooms have no sliding doors , only frameless glass panels to maximise the view.
The main living space - a double square in plan with a high frame-less glass wall - faces west over the lake.The rectangular form of the glass box is continued by the clerestory windows that run along the tops of the walls that extend towards the lake and the landscape.
The walled garden to the bedroom wing is centered on a magnolia tree retained from the original site and which is up lit at night.
The floating roof plane is mirrored by the stone plinth base . Exterior lighting in the canopy and floodlights against the walls, including uplights in the water enhance the transparaency at night.
The concrete structural chimney breast is a clear and pure presence in the house . The wide horizontal opening includes a TV , fireplace and a log store.
Skywood Houise at dusk seen from across the lake .
The arrival courtyard with the windowless side wall to the top lit annexe and red cedar canopy to the carport.Stainless steel bollards make the crossing point from the bridge to the square gravel courtyard with its limestone perimeter.
The west side of the courtyard where the main entrance is located between the living room and bedroom wings . Here one sees the floating roof plane above the clerestory and the vertical grey chimney element that contains the flue and drainage pipework.
When the swimming pool was added the long wall was extended. A gap between the walls contains a blue uplighter and water spout. The sliding doors were removed to create a large square opening. The pool surround is in black mountain slate tiles to blend with the black basalt gravel .
View from the living room to the long bedroom wing corridor. Frame-less glass doors with a large and small leaf on pivot closers sit within the steel goalpost frames.
The bath in the master bedroom is open to the whole room with views into the walled garden. The black bath is filled with water and compliments the black reflecting swimming pool which it overlooks.
The swimming pool at night with an up lighter positioned behind the central diving board.
From arrival outside the black gate , the movement through the landscape has been carefully controlled as an overall composition experienced while you move in a spiral curve from from the gate to the house itself.Initially the house is hidden from view , then revealed with the first views across the island . One then turns away and moves through this coppice of silver birch trees.
The sculptural north facade ,with its clerestory, floating roof plane and pure white wall extending into the lake is reminiscent of a sleek marine craft.
The spiral form drive finally reaches a pair of stainless steel bollards . A bridge crosses the water to the courtyard which is enclosed by uninterrupted planes of walls . The black gravel drive continues into the centre square , surrounded by grey limestone . To the left of the bridge there is a waterfall which is the symbolic source of the lake water.
Reflection of garden in main glass facade.
Shadows cast on long wall to garden wing .
Green screen built in front of main living room for film shoot.
Skywood redecorated in a 'Mexican' style for the Ridley Scott movie The Counselor .
Main room with all white interior for photoshoot.
Image from the Exhibition : BAUHAUS TWENTY -21 AN ONGOING LEGACY
Image from the Exhibition : BAUHAUS TWENTY - 21 AN ONGOING LEGACY .
Image from the Exhibition : BAUHAUS TWENTY - 21 AN ONGOING LEGACY .